Automobile Dealer Save 36 Hours and a Case of Paper for ADP Journals and General Ledger

Case Study 23


We are an automobile dealership offering multiple brands of vehicles. We use ADP as our dealer management system (DMS). Printing of our end of month journals and general ledger on our ADP660 dot matrix printer was taking 24-36 hours and used up a box of paper and required a lot of space to store the books. If we discovered a jam in the morning, the reports would have to be reloaded and we would have the printing noise to listen to all day. This extended print time prevented us from printing any current reports. Our final month end backup had to be put off until all reports were printed.


We implemented OctoTools™ VDP to capture the data from the ADP server by simply replacing the printer with OctoTools to capture the data. OctoTools would convert the output to PDF, rename the files and allow shared access and emailing of reports throughout the company. Our "print time" has been reduced to only ˝ hour and there is no ear noise to contend with. I am closed and into the new month in an hour instead of a day or so. We also print the end of day service reports with OctoTools. Our paper savings is tremendous. The output is now striped in yellow and white and is much easier to read on a screen than on paper.

Products Required: OctoTools, RPM Remote Print Manager LPD Server, Acrobat Reader

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